A Total Rip Off

I know I've been away for a while, but I'm not going to apologize for that since my blog isn't one popular site that ha...

I know I've been away for a while, but I'm not going to apologize for that since my blog isn't one popular site that has tons of readers.

For the photos above, I know, I ripped it off from Rumi Neely's site. Just admired her so much. And it has nothing to do with the meaning of this post.

Anyways, me blogging today is just taking time off of my precious sleep. It's been really tough living in the Architecture world. I knew this would happen and insists on doing it. But I would still think about the choice I made. I even thought of quitting. I was never a quitter. So I shall fight on. I'm left with lesser than 5 years. At least the time has shortened?

Finals a drawing close. And I'm so not prepared. O Level feels way better than this, I swear.

I am so looking forward to visiting Singapore again. Will tell you if the time comes!

For now, I'm going to get some sleep. Early class later.


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